Doing Business With God™

Revenue vs Profit

Episode Summary

Hey Trybe, welcome back to another podcast episode of the Doing Business with God podcast. In correlation with our podcast episode number 12, today we are going to discuss Revenue vs Profit. There are a lot of people who mis-understand and look at Revenue and Profit in a wrong way resulting in inaccurate figures which can cause a lot of consequences in your business. So in this episode, I clearly discuss the differences and relation to each in a simple way. Learn how these financial metrics can help you determine your Financial Health.

Episode Notes

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In This Episode You’ll Learn: 

2:35 - The difference between revenue and profit 

3:11 - What is Revenue?

4:15 - How to calculate Revenue 

4:46 - What is Profit 

5:58 - How to calculator Profit 

9:18 - Monetization Strategy 

10:30 - Three Categories of Profit 

11:44 - Comparison of Revenue and Profit 

12:29 - The Relationship Between the Revenue and Profit 

14:34 - Where to Find the Revenue and Profit in Income Statement 

15:03 - What You Need in Your Business  (Legal Structure and Legal Entity)

18:48 - Revenue vs Profit in Real Life 

Schedule your Difference Maker Call, B.E. A. C.E.O. group coaching program is now open. Click the link to schedule your appointment today

If you or someone you know wants to be on the Doing Business with God podcast or be an advertiser or sponsor click the link to fill out the application. I am so excited to talk with you and have you on the show. Be sure to share this episode with your friends and community to help us grow. Take a screenshot and tag us on Instagram stories @doingbusinesswithgod. Be sure to leave us a review on whatever platform you are listening to us on. We want to reach more people. We will see you in the next episode. Have the most amazing day ever!!!