Doing Business With God™

How to Effectively Pray for Your Business

Episode Summary

Hello Trybe, I am back with another episode of the Doing Business with God podcast. If you know me, you already know how doing business with God and aligning with His purpose has changed not only my business and my life, but also building a personal connection with other Christian women as well. More than just that, I want God to really lead the business that He called me to do. I’ve spent a lot of time these past few months being quiet and still with Him, making an internal connection in order to not only understand His ways, but also understand myself and others. My success begins with prayer, mindset, belief and action. So sit back, push the play, and enjoy listening to How Prayer has the Power to Change Your Business, if you let it.

Episode Notes


Connect with Apostle Crystal Samuels with The Prophet: Called to the Nations Ministry at 5 am EST every Monday, Wednesday & Friday for morning prayer. Dial in number is 919-351-8178. You can also find her on Facebook if you have any questions.

Join the 365 Days of Hearing God’s word movement, click the link and sign up today . I am excited to be on this full year journey of hearing God’s word with you.

Instagram: @doingbusinesswithgod @unikorntrybe

Facebook Group: Unikorn Trybe


To see some of my current offers, please visit

In This Episode We Will Talk About: 

1:11 - How do I pray

1:54 - prayer is relational 

3:07 - Ways to be effective and alignment in your business 

4:06 - Ask God about your plans and favor 

9:40  Be authentic and real 

11:01 - Let God teach you to pray 

12:59 - start talking to God 

14:28 - Build a relationship with God through prayer 

16:20 - God is opening a door

18:24 - God will lead the way 

1958 - God will provide 

Schedule your FREE Difference Maker Call, B.E. A. C.E.O. group coaching program is now open. Click the link to schedule your appointment today.

If you or someone you know wants to be on the Doing Business with God podcast or be an advertiser or sponsor click the link to fill out the application. I am so excited to talk with you and have you on the show. Be sure to share this episode with your friends and community to help us grow. Take a screenshot and tag us on Instagram stories @doingbusinesswithgod. Be sure to leave us a review on whatever platform you are listening to us on. We want to reach more people. We will see you in the next episode. Have the most amazing day ever!!!