Doing Business With God™

From Police to 3 Times Best Selling Author

Episode Summary

In this new podcast episode, we bring you an exciting conversation with Mr. Robert Cook. He was able to share his wonderful journey from serving his country into becoming a great entrepreneur and a writer. He was able to share how he used his passion to tell stories both in entertainment and enlightenment. Ready your earphone, and hear his testimony. Robert E Cook is retired living in Florida with Corrine, his wife of fifty-one years. His working life included multiple vocations but law enforcement has had the greatest influence on his writing. Beginning in 1968, his career included detective sergeant in robbery-homicide. He continues to write, working on another novel in the spiritual warfare genre. Rumors are that a sequel to Border War may be in the works. Today he spends his time writing novels and publishing a blog that has a heavy emphasis on things Christian. World missions have a special place in his heart. You can connect with him at: Join the 365 Days of Hearing God’s word movement, click the link and sign up today . I am excited to be on this full year journey of hearing God’s word with you. Instagram: @doingbusinesswithgod @unikorntrybe Facebook Group: Unikorn Trybe Website:

Episode Notes

What You’ll Learn from this Podcast:

2;14  How long he has been writing and the books he has written

3:37 How he published his books 

4:46 What advice would he give to someone who wanted to write a book

 8:26 - What is Kinderhook 

9:12 - How his time as a Police Officer has influenced him to become a writer

10:35 - His view about the issues on the police force 

13:25 - The analogy of his third book

16:10 - What other things he's been doing aside from writing

17:23 - What is Spiritual welfare?

2057- How he does business with God 

23:19 - His other entrepreneurial journey

28:17 What he does for fun

29:14- What he stands for


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