Hello Trybe, welcome back to another episode of the Doing Business With God Podcast, dedicated to helping you do business God’s way. In this episode, I bring you a conversation today that is all about empowering young women and how Ms. Brenda Sawyer’s used her talent and passion in teaching to serve women to become all that God has called them to be, through leadership and reaching their destiny with integrity. She shares her journey and how she does business with God. Brenda Sawyer was born and raised in New York City and currently resides in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She is a Woman of God who has a strong spiritual foundation and believes that she can do all things through Christ who strengthens her. As a young child, Brenda has always had a passion for teaching and imparting knowledge. After graduating from Hunter College with a dual major in Psychology and Early Childhood Education, Brenda taught elementary school for twenty-six years for the School District of Philadelphia. Brenda holds a second Master’s degree in Elementary Education from Cabrini College. In addition to being a published Author of Encouraging Words For The Mind, Spirit And Soul, she is also the Founder and CEO of GIRLS WALKING WITH INTEGRITY EMPOWERING FOR DESTINY (GWWI), a Christian Mentoring Ministry empowering young ladies between the ages of eight and eighteen to make a transformation into the women that God has called them to be through Biblical principles and teaching. Book Links: https://amzn.to/2YLgazK https://amzn.to/31heiAq https://amzn.to/3089ijW https://amzn.to/2GP89TC https://amzn.to/2ZeB5z6 https://amzn.to/2Seywcf www.girlswalkingwithintegrity.com www.facebook.com/brendasawyer.58 www.instagram.com/brendasawyerencourages The B.E. A. C.E.O. FREE 1 Day Live Workshop is open learn to ditch the hustle to build and grow a profitable online business with systems, processes, a business that can run without you, and recurring revenue for massive scale in your business Join👉 the workshop here https://beaceoworkshop.gr8.com/ THE WORKSHOP KICKS OFF ON… February 24, 2021 Join the 365 Days of Hearing God’s word movement, click the link and sign up today https://365daysofhearinggodsword.gr8.com . I am excited to be on this full year journey of hearing God’s word with you. Instagram: @doingbusinesswithgod @unikorntrybe Facebook Group: Unikorn Trybe Website: www.unikorntrybe.com
What You'll Learn from This Podcast:
2:32 How she started her book and what it is all about
4:39 Her passion in teaching
14:31 - Her passion in leading young women
15:24 - Her anthology book and her another collaboration
19:29 - Is she a book coach?
23:11 - Her advice to someone who wanted to write her story
24:40 - How to write your own story
31:05 - What keeps her motivated
35:25 - What she do for fun
37:40 - Her mantra in life
To see some of my current offers, please visit www.linktr.ee/unikorntrybe
Schedule your Difference Maker Call, B.E. A. C.E.O. group coaching program is now open. Click the link linktr.ee/unikorntrybe to schedule your appointment today
If you or someone you know wants to be on the Doing Business with God podcast or be an advertiser or sponsor click the link https://bit.ly/doingbusinesswithgodpodcast to fill out the application. I am so excited to talk with you and have you on the show. Be sure to share this episode with your friends and community to help us grow. Take a screenshot and tag us on Instagram stories @doingbusinesswithgod. Be sure to leave us a review on whatever platform you are listening to us on. We want to reach more people. We will see you in the next episode. Have the most amazing day ever!!!